Cultivate exists to help you grow and thrive, month after month, as you create consistently, learn from a guide, develop your potential and share your work.


Proficiency is the gateway to exploration.

Welcome to the Explore stage—where your artistic journey takes flight. Here you'll spread your wings and venture into uncharted territories to uncover your unique artistic voice. Building on the strong foundation you've developed, you'll now craft original artworks and develop your personal approach to subjects. Deliberate practice will guide you toward the discovery of your own unique voice as you build a body of work around a chosen theme. Embrace the excitement of creating a series of works that captivate your curiosity!

Be mindful of potential mindset blocks that might surface.  Resistance may attempt to discourage you with thoughts like, “I can’t” or “I don’t know how.” Stay vigilant and draw strength from the encouragement and support of your Cultivate community. Get ready to explore, create, and overcome any challenges that come your way on this exhilarating journey



When these milestones are accomplished Explorers are ready to move on to the next stage.

  • Independence in Setup and Reference: You are creating your own setups and reference materials resulting in original works of art.
  • Mastery of Core Techniques: Consistent practice has led to a mastery of techniques in your chosen core topic, unlocking your own authentic approach.
  • Clear Artistic Influences: You know who your artistic heroes are and have done at least one master copy.
  • A Series of Works: You have developed a series of at least 6 original works of art, demonstrating your ability to explore a theme. 
  • Photography Skill: Demonstrating proficiency in creating your reference photographs, emphasizing good exposure and capturing dramatic light and shadow patterns.



Core Development
  • Create your own setups and reference materials for original works.
  • Develop a series of at least 6 original paintings in a chosen theme.
  • Watch the Study the Masters Introduction from Season 5.
  • Study and copy a masterwork from one of your artistic heroes. 
Technical Skills
Creative Voice Development
Community & Feedback
  • Join a Cultivate Crew for accountability and support. 
  • Get feedback from the Cultivate Community
  • Identify of your strengths and areas for growth.
  • Clarify your emerging personal style.

Mindset & Growth

 Painterly Course Review

  • Review The Painterly Portrait Course, Milestone 1, Lesson 1 "A Look in the Rear View Mirror" to connect with inspiring portrait artists. 
  • Review The Painterly Landscape Course, Milestone 1, Lesson 2 "A Look in the Rear View Mirror" to connect with landscape artists that inspire you.